Sunday 18 November 2007

Overflow and Stewardship - I Must Create!

"I must create!"

That is the phrase an acquaintance of mine used to describe herself. And I totally understand. For me, it is not just a want or preference. I can tell when I have gone too long without creative outlet in words and other media. I must create, or at least write, periodically.

We have each been given physical capabilities, both at birth and learned over time. We have unique personalities. We have skill tendencies we seem to have from birth, enhanced through experience. Some are natural leaders. Others are great followers. We need both! Athletic and mechanical talent are easy for some. Others are great at giving care and showing compassion. Some are great communicators. Some love to help. And I could go on. God intentionally created a variety of people.

On top of those natural and God-given abilities, we have a variety of spiritual gifts available for committed Christians. They often correlate with "natural" abilities. But they expand capabilities - sometimes in dramatic ways.

We each have 24 hours per day. And we each have some measure of purchasing and investment capabilities. And the big question is "What are we doing with what we have been given?" There will be a test at the end. Are we spending time, talent, and money primarily on ourselves? Are we making the world a better place? Are we impacting lives? For the Christians, will there be more people, and ethnic people groups, in heaven in part because of how we use what God has given us? What will be our legacy? Are we investing in things that will last - for eternity?

The phrase "Use it or lose it." comes to mind. It is true of our physical body and our minds. But it also true with things like spiritual gifts. There are many people with ability. But God tends to work through those people with availability. Those are a rarer find.

As God gives, the intention most often is to use us as a channel to accomplish his purposes. Like Abraham, we are blessed to be a blessing. And the risk is that if there is no flow out from us, some of that flow to us will also stop, just like the Dead Sea that has no outlet.

I realize not everyone will appreciate or understand all I write, especially those not yet believers. But I must start writing again... I need to let things flow.

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