Tuesday 1 April 2008


I am obviously not in the habit of writing daily, or even weekly!!

I don't follow the church calendar much. But for the past several years, I have tried to treat Lent as a special time. I usually do some fasting. But mostly it is a time of learning and listening. I hope to gain new direction and insights during the time.

This year I had the pleasure of getting an updated version of the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class (audio only). Throughout the year, I focus mostly on hearing from innovative church and mission leaders, primarily via podcasts.

Since I like to learn, I can easily become like a sponge, taking in all kinds of information and wisdom. But a sponge is not fulfilling its purpose until it is applied to some situation. So now that Lent is over it is time for more action. Or, at the very least, it is time to share some of what has been absorbed.

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