Saturday, 11 August 2007

ELCA Strays... Again....

As you may have read in the news today, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) once again became even more accepting of sin in their leadership. And quite possibly, hopefully, even more congregations will abandon the denomination and its course.

The ELCA will not allow congregations or synods to confront or discipline pastors in homosexual relationships. Although they were careful to avoid the word "condone", in practice they are essentially approving something God has clearly said is wrong and contrary to his design. I guess they feel they have more wisdom about creation than the Creator. They apparently know what is true better than the one who called himself The Truth. Pride comes before a fall.

Comments are at

There were a wide variety of opinions on MSNBC. I didn't read them all. Jesus is loving. But he is also righteous and holy and just.

Here is my post from page 28 over there:

This is sad. But at least the ELCA has made it even more clear how little they regard scripture. Jesus was accepting in some regards. But he also spoke of a wide path to destruction, division within families when one chose to follow him, and other teachings that some will go to heaven with him and enjoy a relationship with him in this life. And some will be separated from him in hell.

Even though some Lutheran pastors believe all people are going to heaven, Jesus never taught that or even implied that. Throughout history, God has always wanted a chosen people set apart for a close relationship with him. And integral in that relationship is living a life that pleases him. As the Bible puts it, "And this is love for God, to obey his commands." It is a faithful loving relationship that is in some ways similar to wanting to please and honor a spouse.

And that relationship with God is closely tied to the concept of marriage. It is designed as a man (symbolized by Christ) and a woman (the bride represented by the Christian church that seeks to love and please him).

Despite what the official reading may be, when a group cannot confront their leader about wrong-doing, that is a crippled organization. When a leader is likely headed for hell, how can he or she teach through knowledge and example the way to a deep relationship with Jesus and a future in heaven?

My prayer is that God will stir hearts and do whatever is necessary to get the attention of those ELCA leaders before they bring greater punishment upon themselves. The people in the pew deserve better.

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